China Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Certification

The China GAP Certification allows primary agricultural producers to demonstrate they follow environmentally and socially sustainable farming methods for their products within the Chinese market.

What is China GAP?

China Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) is the application of modern knowledge to control the farm production process and to ensure the environmental, economic and social sustainability of agri products.

Agricultural producers that establish proper GAP control systems - as well as sustainable farming methods that include environmental controls, integrated pest controls, integrated nutrient management, and conservation agriculture - can demonstrate a commitment to deliver safe and healthy agricultural products to the Chinese market. GAP is a highly operable agricultural product standard management system.

China GAP is divided into species modules (crops, fruits and vegetables, beef cattle, mutton sheep, pigs, dairy cows, poultry) and base modules (farm based, crop based and livestock and poultry based).

Benefits of China GAP Certification

Clients who receive China GAP certification are able to:

  1. Improve the stability of product quality, uniformity, reliability, and output, as well as reduce production risk and cost;
  2. Enhance consumer confidence in their products and organization;
  3. Produce a beneficial impact to the ecological balance of nature and the sustainable development of agriculture.


How to get a China GAP Certificate

The GAP certification process includes certification application and acceptance (including contract review), certification contract signing, document review, on-site inspection, an inspection report, certification decision, certificate issuance and post-certification supervision and other major processes.

Kaixin Certification, member of the Cotecna Group, can provide clients China GAP certification services with the crop module and livestock module.

Request a Certification

To request an audit, or for more information on the certification process, please don’t hesitate to contact us.